Merchants, Food & Entertainers
Enter your information into our database! This information is linked to our member brewery page. We link our breweries to your business!
Contact Info
The CVBA is a non-profit consortium of breweries, committed to fostering camaraderie and advancing the craft brewing industry in coastal Virginia.
Once you sign up, you will receive an email confirming that your information has been added to our database.
If you need to make changes to your information, please email the CVBA at
- No Guarantee of Results: The Coastal Virginia Brewery Alliance does not guarantee any specific results or outcomes based on the use of its products, services, or information provided on this website.
- Changes and Updates: The Coastal Virginia Brewery Alliance may update, modify, or remove any information on this website without prior notice. It is the user’s responsibility to stay informed of any changes and notify the Coastal Virginia Brewery Alliance of any changes regarding their business.